Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Over Nighter To Wyoming

 Gearing up as we arrived at the River.


 First time ever fly fishing and Fletch caught on quick! He caught 3-4 fish and sometimes he would catch them on his own with Dalt and I down river. Very impressive... Hopefully he sticks with it.

 Dalt was on point even though the water was high and the skies were grey. We were hoping to run into some cannibal cutty's but we didn't pull any monsters out.
 Another shot of Fletch testing some new techniques.

 Found a skull that was defiantly a predator. The K-9's were pretty big. Maybe a Coyote?
 Pretty dreary but always a treat!

 Dalt on the Homestead stretch.

 A Goose got nailed by something in the middle of the night...

 Average sized Cutty.

 Fletch and a sunset.

 You know your hard core when.....That night we heated up meat balls and BBQ sauce in coffee cups and made sandwiches. Yum!

 Lunch hole rig retrieve...

 Optimistic we may have hooked Fletch... Haha. Again no huge fish but a great outing!