Sunday, August 14, 2011

Big Cottonwood and Beaver Creek

Last Monday night McGuinn and I went and explored Big Cottonwood Creek. He works close by the mouth of the canyon so he knows all the good stretches. After we hit his usual haunts we decided to drive up further and see what we could find. Mostly browns with the occasional Rainbow. Everything was pretty small but they readily hit big dries.  Tight casting and tough drifts.

Jon with a typical BCC trout.

 This little guy had a go at my hopper.

 Close up

 Nice red spots heh?

On Friday night I went had a look at Beaver Creek in the Uintas. I found a nice size creek with beaver dams, lots of brush and lots of dry fly action. On this stretch I only found wild cut throats and lots of them. Most of them being to small to physically eat a hopper but they sure try and drown it and break it into smaller bites they can swallow. When I came across deep enough runs the bigger trout came out though. I would float the hopper close to the cut banks and I would watch as aggressive cut throats would come and smash my fly.  I only had a couple hours but it was great to get on some new water...

 Example of water fished

 Caught a few in here...

Not bad for small water.

Happy hunting!

Chris Giles

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