Sunday, August 7, 2011

Current Creek

Dalton and I decided to go check out Current Creek on Friday afternoon. We took the dogs and the camper and struck out for rising trout. 

Mcguinn had recently guided a group up there and he told us he was having success on hopper dropper and dry dropper! That was enough to get us excited. We pulled in and and rigged up and hit the river. It took a few minutes but I got one to take my dropper and it was a healthy brown... We fished hard from 4:00 until 9:00 and we caught 10 between the two of us. Right towards the end of the day they started hitting the dries...

I can't express how fun it is to catch big browns on big dry flies... We cooked foil dinners (thanks Ash) that night and played guitars and banjo's into the night.

The next morning our troubles started. I heard Dalt try to start his truck and there was a single click. Dead battery. That was at 9:00 and we found someone to jump us and things were looking up. A half hour later the car still wouldn't turn over. After several rational discussions on our next move we decided that Dalt would hitch hike into Heber and I would stay with the dogs and the gear. 5 hours later he returned with his wife's car and kids in tow (thanks Kathy). We then dropped the new battery in and the engine roared to life. I drove Dalt's truck home and he drove his family.

Later that night at my brothers wedding party we shared some good laughs and the story quickly circulated. That's the way it goes some times.

Over all Current Creek is a great spot. Crystal clear tail water with some large fish. Browns, Cutty's and Rainbows can be found in the many pools.  Although we strictly caught browns... We didn't see any other fisherman out and it is a pretty remote stretch. The west side of the canyon is covered with rugged pines and aspens and the East side is almost all sage brush.

Great Getaway. Enjoy some photos.

 Nice camp spot.

 First fish on the dropper.

 Banjo poised for some fishing.

 Nice big brown.

 This one wiggled loose at camera time. You can see his good size and my kung foo grip.

 Another smaller one.
 Example of water fished.
Dalt does battle with a nice brown caught on a small caddis. Of course the camera battery dies before I can get a close up.

Chris Giles

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